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Search results for "Marcel Dupré: Prélude Et Fugue En Sol Min. Op.7 N.3"

Marcel Dupré: Prelude and Fugue in G Minor op. 7

Marcel Dupré: Prelude and Fugue in G Minor op. 7

Marcel Dupré: Prelude and Fugue in G Minor op. 7 Luka Gadeliya (organ) Pitsunda cathedral (Republic of Abkhazia) Марсель Дюпре - Прелюдия и фуга соль минор op. 7 Лука Гаделия (орган) Органный

Marcel Dupre - Prelude et fugue op.7/1

Marcel Dupre - Prelude et fugue op.7/1

Egor Kolesov, organ by Henry Jones (1871) in The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. II. Swell 1. Oboe 8’ 2. Gemshorn 4’ 3. Vox Angelica 8’ 4. Open Diapason 8’ Couplers 5. Swell suboctave 6. Swell to Pedal 7. Swell to Pedal 8. Great to Pedal I.

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