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Search results for "Balto Adgth"

Balto + ADGTH: Return Of Innocence

Balto + ADGTH: Return Of Innocence

Not one of my best (especially in comparison to Lifeless), but ya, it deserves some brownie points. Hoorah for no lyric matching in the least! EDIT: ...What was I smoking? This is one of my bests [/edit] Anyways, backstory here. This is what we call

Balto + ADGTH - Running Away

Balto + ADGTH - Running Away

Requested by a freind on Furry-Paws, Wizardess (vetstar05). Holy crap, WMM was moving nicely these past few days. This took me about a day to make, and on the most part, WMM was well behaved (scary, ain't it?). This song is about the concept of love

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