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Plastic bag as a condom in Congo - vpro Metropolis

Plastic bag as a condom in Congo - vpro Metropolis

Danielle Kasekwa is a prostitute in Goma. She doesn't use condoms for contraception, but a little plastic bag instead. ‘The little plastic bag doesn't break and therefore they are much safer than condoms. Not only are they safer according to

Los dandis del Congo - Documental de RT

Los dandis del Congo - Documental de RT

En Brazzaville, capital de la República del Congo existe una generación de auténticos dandis, agrupados en la Sociedad de Personas Mundanas y Elegantes. En un país donde impera la precariedad y el sufrimiento, un grupo de congoleños destacan por

Conflict Minerals, Rebels and Child Soldiers in Congo

Conflict Minerals, Rebels and Child Soldiers in Congo

Warlords, soldiers, and child laborers all toil over a mineral you've never even heard of. Coltan is a conflict mineral in nearly every cell phone, laptop, and electronic device. It's also tied to the deaths of over 5 million people in Congo since

Kony, M23, and the Real Rebels of Congo

Kony, M23, and the Real Rebels of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is now home to more than a dozen militant groups, factions of the national army, and scores of rebel combatants. We rode along with US Special Forces and followed the path of Kony and the LRA into the jungle. In the

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