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Search results for "Final Fantasy X Piano Collections"

Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand - Piano Collections

Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand - Piano Collections

sheet music: This is me playing the Piano Collections Version of To Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X. I never played the game but once I've listened to the music, I just thought it's wonderful. That's why I upload this

Final Fantasy X Piano Collections - To Zanarkand

Final Fantasy X Piano Collections - To Zanarkand

Sheet music can be found on I play there one of the most famous pieces from the Final Fantasy series! Of course, it's a so beautiful piece! I know that this song is played many times, but I wanted to add my contribution

Aeris' Theme - Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections

Aeris' Theme - Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections

K just revisiting my video right now, Apr12/09 Not really a video description update, but hmm just felt like coming back to post this quick comment here, since this video is one of my most viewed ones. K so recently, I made a top15 list of music as a

Final Fantasy 13 Piano Collections-Full Album

Final Fantasy 13 Piano Collections-Full Album

Music Composed, Arranged & Produced by Masashi Hamauzu Performed by Aki Kuroda 0:00 Lightning's Theme-Blinded By Light 3:43 FINAL FANTASY XIII - The Promise ~ The Sunleth Waterscape 8:30 March of the Dreadnoughts 11:48 The Gapra Whitewood 16:25

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