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Search results for "Fungal"

Maxillary Fungal Sinusitis

Maxillary Fungal Sinusitis

Fungal sinusitis of maxillary sinus, B. Todd Schaeffer, MD, FACS, removal of fungal sinusitis from Maxillary sinus, Endoscopic Sinus surgery,B. Todd Schaeffer, MD,,,, Long Island, Nassau

Maxillary Fungal Ball

Maxillary Fungal Ball

The patient is a 60 year old referred to the Raleigh Capitol Sinus and Allergy Center for maxillary sinus disease incidentally discovered during workup for dental implants. The CT scan showed complete heterogenous opacification of the right maxillary

Surgical Removal of Fungal Ball from Maxillary Sinus

Surgical Removal of Fungal Ball from Maxillary Sinus

***CAUTION MATERIAL MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL VIEWERS*** The surgical procedure to remove fungus from a sinus is a short procedure (about 10 minutes per sinus). This video shows the procedure as done in the operating room and has been edited to

Fungal Ball In Sphenoid Sinus

Fungal Ball In Sphenoid Sinus

After visualization of the right nasal cavity a large fungus ball is seen which is filling the majority of the right sphenoid sinus. The posterior wall of the sinus is lined by fairly normal appearing mucosa. On removal of the fungal debris from

FESS Fungal ball Maxillary

FESS Fungal ball Maxillary

FESS Surgery of left maxillary mycetoma. Adult male patient with c/o constant throat irritation since 1 1/2 years. o/e left MM mucosal thickenings allergic mucosa. CT PNS s/o fungal concretions in left maxillary sinus sinus. operated and symptoms

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