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Search results for "How Putin"

Putin: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Putin: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Vladimir Putin is known as a ruthless leader and master manipulator. John Oliver enlists a group of singing dancers to explain that to Donald Trump. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Support TSM on Patreon! Here's something you probably never saw or heard about in the west. This is Putin answering questions regarding ISIS from a US journalist at the Valdai International Discussion Club in

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?

Who gave coalition forces in Libya the right to eliminate Gaddafi? That's the question Vladimir Putin's been asking, during an official visit to Denmark. The Russian Premier also said NATO's effectively joined one of the warring sides in the

Laz Putin | Özcan Show

Laz Putin | Özcan Show

Radi Hoca ve Özcan uzaylılar tarafından kaçırıldı! Uzaylılar ne istiyor? Aleyna Tilki uzaylı mı? Putin'in herkesten sakladığı büyük sır ne? Keşanlı Trump'ın başı neden dertte? Komik animasyon çizgi film Özcan Show'un macera ve

Inside Putin's Russia

Inside Putin's Russia

Correspondent Nick Schifrin and producer Zach Fannin take us inside Vladimir Putin's Russia, with an in-depth look at the resurgent national identity, the government's propaganda machine, the risk of being a Kremlin critic and much more.

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