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Initials BB

Initials BB

Gainsbourg (Vie Héroïque) - Initials B.B. (Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra) Les Femmes (1969)

Serge Gainsbourg "Initials BB" | Archive INA

Serge Gainsbourg "Initials BB" | Archive INA

Abonnez-vous 26/11/1968 Accoudé à un piano droit installé sur la piste du chapîteau de l'antenne du Kremlin Bicêtre, Serge GAINSBOURG chante (e "Initials BB". Images d'archive INA

Mick Harvey - Initials B.B.

Mick Harvey - Initials B.B.

Taken from the reissued double CD collection of Mick Harvey's two Serge Gainsbourg albums, Intoxicated Man and Pink Elephants, released on Mute on 7 April 2014. You can pre-order it here: Double CD: iTunes:

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