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Search results for "More Tear Gas Thrown In Kosovo's Parliament"

More tear gas thrown in Kosovo's parliament

More tear gas thrown in Kosovo's parliament

(21 Mar 2018) Kosovo's opposition on Wednesday used tear gas several times to disrupt a parliamentary vote on a border demarcation deal with Montenegro. Lawmakers had to be evacuated from the Assembly building after the Self-Determination Movement

Tear gas thrown; Kosovo parliament vote disrupted

Tear gas thrown; Kosovo parliament vote disrupted

(21 Mar 2018) The US Ambassador to Kosovo on Wednesday lamented the country's opposition throwing tear gas to disrupt a parliament vote on a border demarcation deal with Montenegro. Greg Delawie said "People with bankrupt ideas resort to political

Tear gas thrown during Kosovo parliament session

Tear gas thrown during Kosovo parliament session

(21 Mar 2018) Kosovo's opposition used tear gas to disrupt Wednesday's parliament vote on a border demarcation deal with Montenegro. Kosovo's Assembly, or Parliament, was temporarily suspended the moment the vote was about to start as canisters were

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