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Search results for "Rens"

Rens tries Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

Rens tries Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman takes in Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) to see what effect it has on his body. XTC is a psychoactive drug used primarily as a recreational drug. Desired effects of XTC (or MDMA) include increased empathy, euphoria, and heightened

Rens goes fast on speed (Amphetamine) | Drugslab

Rens goes fast on speed (Amphetamine) | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman snorts speed (amphetamine). This is a chemical powder with a stimulating effect. Rens gets really energetic and feels great.. until he bends over the sink. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect

Rens rolling balls on Herbal XTC | Drugslab

Rens rolling balls on Herbal XTC | Drugslab

Rens swallows a Herbal XTC capsule, with a mix of several natural ingredients. The ingredients are not always the same and differ per type of Herbal XTC. USE: Are you about to use Herbal XTC? Keep the following things in mind: There are many

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