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Search results for "Septoplasty Recovery"

Septoplasty Recovery Day 1-4

Septoplasty Recovery Day 1-4

I got my deviated septum straightened, my sinuses drained and my turbinates shrunken. In this video I talk about what it was like and how I'm recovering! If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll respond!

Septoplasty / Rhinoplasty Recovery Day 1

Septoplasty / Rhinoplasty Recovery Day 1

I had septoplasty to correct my deviated septum and a rhinoplasty to make the tip of my nose smaller. My surgeon also narrowed the bridge of my nose which was a bit wide. My plastic surgeon is Dr. Dan Shell of Memphis,TN

Septoplasty/Rhinoplasty Recovery Day 2

Septoplasty/Rhinoplasty Recovery Day 2

This is day 2 of my recovery; the day after surgery. Today is much harder than yesterday because the pain has finally kicked in. The pain was never unbearable, but the discomfort from the packing is driving me crazy. It feels like the worst head cold

Septoplasty recovery day 3

Septoplasty recovery day 3

Today is day 3 after a septoplasty and cyst removal. I feel pretty good so far! Hope these videos help ease some thoughts! Next post will be stint removals in 5 days :)

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