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Search results for "Wickham"

Lydia Wickham... scene from "Pride & Prejudice"

Lydia Wickham... scene from "Pride & Prejudice"

Another scene clipped together from various adaptations of "Pride & Prejudice")...this is when we learn Lydia has married Mr. Wickham. The most recent film is the 2005 Focus Features version starring Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet, Donald

wickham & lydia :: it's like a memory (modern!au)

wickham & lydia :: it's like a memory (modern!au)

Watch in HD, please! :-) "I know you, but we've never meet. I'm with you, but I don't know your name." I heared this line in Oblivion, then saw Death comes to Pemberley, fell in love to Matthew Goode and Jenna Coleman again, and this the result. I'm

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