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Search results for "Yazidis"

Yazidis sold as sex slaves by Isis

Yazidis sold as sex slaves by Isis

The so called Islamic state is buying and selling Yazedi women and girls complete with sales contracts, warehouses and markets. . Subscribe for more like this, every day: Dangerous world: The news

ISIL committing genocide against Yazidis - UN

ISIL committing genocide against Yazidis - UN

The so-called Islamic State (ISIL or ISIS) is committing 'genocide' against Yazidis in Syria and Iraq, according to UN investigators. "ISIS abuse of Yazidi men, women and children amounts to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The

U.S. conducts airstrikes in Iraq to defend Yazidis

U.S. conducts airstrikes in Iraq to defend Yazidis

The U.S. military launched four airstrikes Saturday in northern Iraq designed to defend members of the Yazidi religious minority who were coming under attack from Islamic extremists, U.S. officials said. American aircraft also conducted a third

Yazidis ask PKK to leave Sinjar

Yazidis ask PKK to leave Sinjar

(30 Sep 2016) A Yazidi tribal leader in the Sinjar province in northern Iraq on Thursday said the tribes asked the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, to leave the region. Khalaf Murad Atto said they were concerned about their safety, and feared

Yazidis Protecting Holy Site From Extremists

Yazidis Protecting Holy Site From Extremists

Yazidi fighters on Mount Sinjar in Iraq continue to guard their holy shrine despite multiple attacks by Islamic State militants. (Jan. 13) Subscribe for more Breaking News: Get updates and more Breaking News here:

US group bring aid and fun to Kurds and Yazidis

US group bring aid and fun to Kurds and Yazidis

(9 Feb 2016) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: AP CLIENTS ONLY AP TELEVISION - AP CLIENTS ONLY Sinjar, Iraq - 9 February 2016 1. Activists from humanitarian group "Free Burma Rangers" putting on a show for Yazidi children in a Sinjar classroom 2. Children

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