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Search results for "Parliament"

Tear gas set off in Kosovo parliament - BBC News

Tear gas set off in Kosovo parliament - BBC News

This is the moment when opposition politicians set off tear gas canisters in Kosovo's parliament, prompting its evacuation. The stunt was a bid to disrupt voting on a bill to ratify a border agreement with Montenegro - paving the way to EU visa-free

Azan in Israel Parliament

Azan in Israel Parliament

Bill from Israeli parliamentarian on ban of Azan. a Muslim Parliamenterian in Israel Parliament Recite Azan as a Protest which Shock Parliamenterians . A unique place to find videos on religious & professional topics Please visit & subscribe: Web TV:

How the Houses of Parliament crash unfolded

How the Houses of Parliament crash unfolded

A man has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences after a car crashed into cyclists and pedestrians before hitting security barriers outside the Houses of Parliament. The suspect, in his late 20s, was arrested and taken to a police station

Tear gas fired inside Kosovo parliament

Tear gas fired inside Kosovo parliament

A Kosovo parliamentary session has resumed following a break of 30 minutes, when opposition MPs interrupted blowing whistles to disrupt speakers and firing tear gas inside the parliament building. What are the top stories today? Click to watch:

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